Part 128: I feel like we might be able to offer a bracer-like solution.
-A Cat Relaxing in the Sun-
Private Colby: Right now, I'm on patrol around the village with the sub commander from the Wolf Fort. Elmo Village is calmer than I thought it would be. I guess that's because it's a pretty peaceful place normally.
Sima: Apparently, the airships have stopped, so I don't have many guests now. You might already know, but I have a young son. It's been a struggle raising him on my own...Anyway, we're in a bit of a fix here with no tourists coming, so please buy something.
The hard sell.
Quantay: It's so weird.
Lucky: The springs have cooled...The pump orbment's stopped working...
Warrant Officer Gerwin: For now, we're maintaining security in Elmo Village. Unfortunately, the hot springs pump stopped working. I suppose this, too, is due to that damned shutdown phenomenon. It's not a facility that directly affects daily life, though, so it's not a major concern.

If you want, you can still head all the way into the Fountainhead Cave and fill everybody's HP & CP at the hot spring near the end. It's kind of a pain, though--a long spelunk through twisty monster-infested caves, on top of the hike you've already taken just to get here.
That's going to sound incredibly ironic in a minute.


Ah, Estelle and Tita. Thanks for coming.

Oh, over there, is that...

It's been a while, ma'am.

I thought I knew that face! So it IS Joshua. Seems like ages since I saw you all together like this.

Sorry to say the baths are out of commission right now, but please take a load off. Our delicious food is still available, after all!
You should have Tita with you for this.

Um, Mrs. Mao...Is there anything we could help with?

Hmm, well. We've got soldiers patrolling regularly, so it's not too dangerous here. If anything, I guess I'd ask if you could make it so we could fill the baths, but...

Well, no point in asking that, really.


But, since we're here, why don't we have a look? I feel like we might be able to offer a bracer-like solution.


Oh...? What would that be?
We won't know until we find the right thing to fight.

Hmmm, well.

First, I'd like to borrow the Pump Shed key.

Sure, that's fine, but...
Received Pump Shed Key.

Tita, since we're here why don't we check out the pump? We might come up with something.

Okay, sure!

Ah, so that's your plan.

Guess there's no helpin' it.

That's settled, then. Let's go to the pump shed.

It's an old device, but it's still orbal driven.

It's affected by the Orbal Shutdown Phenomenon just like everything else.

But, the pump's ultimately just to deliver hot water from the spring there, right? I feel like there might be something we can do...

Can't solve this one just by using a bucket.

We've got to find some way to make this device work.

Oh, could we use a Zero Field Generator on the pump?

Mmm, doubtful.

According to the professor, they're limited to orbments no bigger than ones you can carry in both hands.

Hmm. Guess not, then.
Alright, new plan. We already know of one orbal machine that can operate in the Aureole's suspension field: the Intelligence Division's Orgueille battle tank. First, we need to get our hands on the Royal Army's communication ciphers. Then, we need to forge orders from Cassius to have the remains of the Orgueille delivered to the Zeiss Central Factory. Then all we have to do is smuggle those parts out of the factory, bring them to Elmo on foot, reassemble them--along with a suitable engine to replace the XG02 sample that was recovered and given away at the non-aggression pact signing--and connect the Orgueille's drivetrain to the pumps.
Short of the truly unpredictable happening, this plan should succeed.


Tita, what is it?


Um, um...So this would go like this...

Ummmm, Tita?

Oh, man...She's got that look in her eye again.

Well, unlike recent stuff, it doesn't have a very complex orbal mechanism. So all I need to do is take this thing here, then connect it to that thing over here...

Oh, and don't you worry! I'll put things right back the way they were after the Orbal Shutdown Phenomenon.

Yeah...This should do it!

I think I might actually be able to get the pump working.


You're not going to use a Zero Field Generator, are you?

Heehee, no, no.

You remember, right, Joshua? The combustion engine.


The combustion engine...You mean the one we used on the workshop devices before?

Yep. ♪

Unlike the workshop equipment, the pump device doesn't have a very complex mechanism. If we can make the combustion engine drive the parts the orbment was working, it should work as-is.

I, uh, see...

I hadn't considered that.

So, where can we find this combustion engine?

Umm, I think it was stored at the landing port.

We should be able to find it if we ask the maintenance chief.

Maintenance Chief Gustav at the landing port, huh.

That reminds me, won't we need fuel to drive the combustion engine?

Gasoline, right. Like before, we should ask down below at the Central Factory.
-Town Where The Lights Went Out- too, Gustav.

Good work.

Well, I'm busy, sure, but most of it's just respondin' to complaints. About the only thing I can do with machines right now is just put some oil in. I'm gettin' pretty fed up with it, I don't mind tellin' you.

Th-That does sound kind of sad.

Mmm, I guess it'd be the same as me not being able to swing my staff around like I wanted.

Well, something like that. Putting that aside...Did you need somethin'?

Yes, actually...
Estelle explained the situation to Maintenance Chief Gustav and asked him to lend them the combustion engine.

I see...Good eye, yeah.

It's not a machine good for much except powerin' simple stuff, so I wouldn't mind just givin' it to you, but...

Is there some problem?

Well, you see...You got bad timing, is all. We just lent it out to the Royal Army again. We brought it when we went to swap the Arseille's engine.


So, it'll be at Leiston Fortress?

Yeah, I'd imagine so. Sorry, but if you wanna have it, do you mind askin' them? It's kinda hard to just make a call in this situation, if you know what I mean.

Yeah, got it.

We'll make contact with Leiston Fortress on our side.
Rudi: Oh, hey, guys. Need something?

Yeah, actually...
Estelle asked Rudi for some gasoline to power the pump facility.
Rudi: Huh, that does sound rough. I go to Elmo's hot springs a lot, so I'd love to help out, but...You've got bad timing. We don't have anything in stock right now.


Well, this is a slight problem...
Man's Voice: ...Is there someone there?

Ah, Chief Murdock...

Tita...and everybody else, too.

I thought I heard voices from down here and wondered what could be going on.

Did another case come up?

Hmmm, I do remember ordering some gasoline from the Republic about a month ago...


One month...That's a long time for a delivery. It should be here by now, right?
Rudi: B-But, sir, I haven't received anything like that.

No, wait...

I think when I ordered it I said there was no rush, so it was going to be delivered by sea, if I remember rightly.

Sea delivery, huh...That'd mean they sent it on a regular ship, not an airship.
Good contribution, Agate.

Yes, exactly.

In which case, it was probably delivered quite recently.

Stands to reason it's probably stored somewhere in Ruan right now.

Makes sense...Thanks to the Orbal Shutdown Phenomenon, distribution has been paralyzed, after all.

So we can get some if we go to the harbor in Ruan?

Yes, that seems your best chance.

One moment...
Factory Chief Murdock wrote a short letter on the spot and signed it.

Give that letter of introduction to the harbor master of the Ruan port. I've asked him to give you the gasoline if they have any in.

Thanks, Chief!

Heehee...Thank you!

Sorry for all the trouble...

Not at all. I may not go as much as the professor, but I visit the hot springs plenty nonetheless. As someone in charge of the Zeiss region, this is the least I can do.

All right, I need to get back to work. I've got a mountain of paperwork to get through.

I-I see...

Um, um...Don't push yourself too hard, okay?

Haha, if you fix the pump, maybe I'll take a little time off and go to the hot springs. Well, then, if you'll excuse me.
-Wandering in the Darkness-

Friggin' A...Literally can't see a thing down here.

I never realized how dark it'd get down here without the lights! Aaah, it's scary...

The only hope we'd have of navigating down here would be night-vision goggles.

If we don't have any, we should check around town, in the general goods store or something.

Yeah, good idea.

One way or another, probably best to find a way to see before going forward.
You've got Night Goggles for everyone, right? And while you're at it, put that Cloak quartz on somebody if you weren't using it already.

You don't have the use of your minimap while Kaldia Tunnel is dark, and this ridiculous green haze makes it all but impossible to avoid tripping over monsters.

Take a look in this side passage on your way to Ruan. You'll need to take off the Cloak for a bit, but keep Haze or Yin-Yang on in its place.
-Obstructive Existence-
Two Divine Penguins.

Luckily the Aureole seems to have shorted out their AV systems. I didn't see any sambas this time.

Anyone without Night Goggles equipped will be blinded for the duration, just like way back in Grimsel Fortress.

And no, you can't light your way with all the giant explosions of fire from S-Crafts.

So this was all kind of silly, but the reward is fantastic.

+34 STR, +28 DEF, +40 ATS, +20 ADF, +1 SPD, +20 DEX, +5 AGL, and +1 MOV. I'm assuming those funky STR and DEF bonuses are percentage-based. Either way, I've never seen so many pluses! I'm nonplussed!
-Border Patrol Isn't Easy-
Private Nix: Think about it! A monster could leap out at you at any moment, and you'd be none the wiser. I'd be freaking out every step of the way.
Private Cromwell: We've received orders to let bracers pass freely, though, so don't worry. Apparently it's a special measure to assist in guild activities...It's pretty surprising. That kinda order would've been unthinkable not that long ago.
Warrant Officer Kientz: After all, we ain't got any idea what could happen given the situation.
CWO Hahn: Anyway, at the moment I'm acting to prioritize enhancing the guard post's security. After all, we're still in a situation where we can't shut the gate. The lights in the Kaldia Tunnel are out, and currently it's completely pitch black. Stepping in carelessly could cost you your life. Be extremely careful.
Private Orta: It seems like the Orbment Charging Stations aren't working, either. If you're tired, you should just go rest at a lodge. Don't push yourself.
Twist that knife while you still can. We'll see who laughs last.
Private Vernon: Unlike us, they're tasked with keeping watch over entire regions. Can't even imagine how tough that is. We can handle local patrol, but patrolling like that's on a whole different scale. Given the situation, though, even our small-scale patrols are a necessity. Besides, seeing their level of dedication makes me want to step up my game, too.
Melvin: I'm Melvin, by the way. I'm a junior bracer with the Ruan branch! I'm currently tasked with doing the rounds and patrolling aaaaall over the region! It's kind of a pain, but it's perfect for a guy with tons of stamina like me! Whoo!
Melvin's one bracer I just can't get mad at.
-Town Where The Lights Went Out-
Portos: Can I help you?

Yes. Do you have a moment?
Estelle explained the situation and showed Portos the letter from the Factory Chief.
Portos: Hm, it's true I'm responsible for the harbor block, but...You'd be better off asking Harg about this.

Portos: Yes, he's responsible for freight handling in our harbor at the moment. He should be on the other side of this embankment.

All right. He's not too far, then.

Let's go talk to him. Thank you for your assistance.
Portos: Ah, be careful. Don't run off and fall into the sea.
Indeed. They'd need a regular ship--not an airship--to get us out.
Harg: Hm, what is it?
Estelle explained the situation and showed Harg the letter from the Factory Chief.
Harg: Gasoline...? Yeah, we got some. I was just about to send it to Zeiss when all this happened, so we're securing it in the warehouse.


Could we take it from here, then?
Harg: I don't mind, but there's a lot of it, ya know? I really don't think you could carry all of it.

Good point...

For now, let's just carry whatever we can take.

Yes, that should be enough to keep them for a while.

This much shouldn't be a problem to haul.
Received Gasoline Tank x 3.
Harg: Well, hopefully this whole mess will be sorted before that, though.

Yeah, seriously.

Sorry for the trouble.

Now we just need the engine, but...

It seems it was lent out to the Royal Army.

We'll have to inquire at Leiston Fortress.

I see, got it.
Then you have to go aaaaall the way back to Zeiss, and if you feel like even more walking, you can head aaaaall the way up to Leiston Fortress.
-Border Patrol Isn't Easy-
Private Samuel: Hmm. I'm not familiar with the device in question, but I can tell it must be something important. Wait here a moment. I'll go ask.
Private Samuel: All right. I asked the quartermaster, and there's a problem. It seems this 'combustion engine' is not currently in the fortress walls.

But, but that can't be right! Gustav said--
Private Samuel: Wait a moment, miss. I said it isn't in the fortress walls. We loaded onto a patrol ship a short while ago for shipment back to the Central Factory. Unfortunately, all THIS happened not long after takeoff. The ship made an emergency landing somewhere on the Tratt Plains as a result.

Oh! Oh, crap...

Time to go rescue an engine AND a crew, sounds like.

So we just need to talk to the guards on the patrol ship about it?
Private Samuel: I know it's a pain, but that's the size of it. As I said, we think the ship landed somewhere on the Tratt Plains. Good luck.
So yeah, this whole march up to Leiston is a complete waste of time. What did you expect? We're trying to restore Elmo here. They'd never make that easy.
Well, it could be a little easier. You don't need to make this trip. Go bug Kilika instead.
-Town Where The Lights Went Out-

Yeah, actually...
Estelle asked Kilika to inquire with Leiston Fortress about the Combustion Engine.

Hmmhmm, that's quite a bracer-like job you're working on. The fortress phone should be working, so I'll ask right away.

...Ah, I see.

I understand the circumstances. I will let them know. *click*


What do you mean?

It had just been loaded onto a patrol ship to send it back to the Central Factory, apparently. And that patrol ship had to make an emergency landing on the Tratt Plains when the orbal energy cut off.


I see, so that's what's going on.

So, then, we just have to ask the soldiers on that patrol ship?

That would be the idea.

The patrol ship should have landed somewhere in the Tratt Plains, so you'll have to search for it.
At least we already know where to find the ship in question.
-Looking Up at the Sky-

We're from the Bracer Guild, sir.
Estelle's team explained the situation and asked about the combustion engine.
Captain Hoffman: I see! I'd totally forgotten about it in the chaos. Yes, we have the engine in our cargo hold. Reno! Give me a hand.
Private Reno: Yes, sir!
Captain Hoffman: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Received Combustion Engine.

We've got it!

Sorry to trouble you.
Captain Hoffman: Not at all. I'm sorry we bothered to pick it up if things were going to end up like this. Still, all this to help get a hot spring working in a situation like this...Bracers seem to have different priorities than we do.


Forgive us. We know things are difficult right now.
Captain Hoffman: No, please don't misunderstand me. I wasn't being sarcastic. For a soldier, being unable to use your orbal weaponry is nerve-wracking. We're all struggling to figure out some other way to fight off our enemies. Meanwhile, you guys are moving around with all the confidence in the world. We could learn a thing or two from you.


We, umm...We're just doing what we think is right, is all.

Heh, we're sort of wanderin' around holdin' our butts right now, too, to be honest. Think all any of us can do is just try and trip over the answer.
Captain Hoffman: Haha, true enough. At times like this, it's only right that we should be going the extra arge to keep the people at ease. Good luck restoring the hot springs, bracers.

Thank you!

You bet. Leave it to us!

Should we get back to Elmo and work on the pump?

Yeah, I'm ready to work on it!
-A Cat Relaxing in the Sun-

Time to upgrade the pump!

Ah, yeah.

Still, though, are you sure you don't need help?

Ah...Um, um, well...
Tita is terrified to let this bunch of galoots handle anything technical, and equally terrified to hurt their feelings by rejecting their help. Fortunately she was smart enough to plan ahead.

I've prepared a diagram for the upgrades, so would you upgrade the parts like it says?

Sure. ♪

That seems like something even we can do.

Fine, guess I'll help.

Yep, it's finished.

All right!

Good work, Tita.

Same as always. You sure are good with this stuff.

Heehee, we don't know if it'll work or not yet...Let's test it right now.

Looks like the rotor in the pump's started working.

Thanks. I can hardly believe it. Now we can let people go in the baths as much as they please.

Ahaha...I'm glad we could help.
It's good that we were able to help...all those other people. Yes.

Well, it was about 90% thanks to Tita, though.

Th-That's not true at all.

I could only upgrade it because you went out and found what we needed, Estelle.

Still, this time we really did end up going all over.

This Orbal Shutdown Phenomenon is seriously slowing us down.

Very true.

Technology ceasing to function deals severe damage to a society built on it...

At this rate the situation is only going to get worse.


Well, no need to be so pessimistic. Even with orbments stopped we managed to get the pump working.

People can do anything if they put their minds to it, don't you think?


Hahaha, nicely said.

Anyway, it's a job well done. You should go and take the first bath for yourself and relax from your journey.

Oh, I know! Here's some special medicinal tea handed down in my family. You should drink it when you get out of the bath. It'll fix you right up.
Received Nirvana Tea x4.

[To-Go/HP Recovery 100%/Cures All Status Ailments]
Herbaceous tea suffused with nutrients.
And so, Estelle's group took a bath, dined on a feast of Eastern dishes, and left the Maple Leaf Inn behind them.
After all that, you can soak up the free CPs at Elmo all you want again.
Quantay: There's just no Elmo without 'em.
-Town Where The Lights Went Out-

If I could, I'd love to go to Elmo and have a nice, long soak. Well, that'll be for another time.

Oh, man, the ship is right there, but...I wonder if we can't figure out a way to board and at least pull off the equipment.

Were you able to fix the hot springs pump?

Yes, somehow.

Yup. Feel free to visit them anytime you like now.

Ohh, that's good news. I'll definitely take a trip over once my work's calmed down.

Please do. You have to remember to relax sometimes.

Y-Yeah, absolutely. Every machine needs maintenance, after all.

Haha, thank you for your kind warning. I'll be sure to remember it.

Good work fixing the pump.

*phew* I hope I can find a moment to pay those springs a visit.

Did something come up?

Ah, right. We should make a report.

Yeah, so actually...
Estelle explained the details of the pump repair at Elmo.

Hmmhmm, I see. Sounds like you've really been taking bracer work to heart.

Yeah, I know it's kind of a small thing to worry about in an emergency like this, but...

I can't just abandon people in trouble.

Well, that's the whole reasoning behind being a bracer. I think it was the right call.

The second principle of the Bracer Guild Code is prioritizing civilian safety. Your line of thinking, therefore, was correct.
Well yeah, everyone knows Guild Code Principle 2.

You can keep your head high when you say what you've accomplished.

Ahaha, thanks. I feel a bit more confident hearing that from you, Kilika.

...That ends our report.

Well, then, I'll have your work assessed immediately. When you're ready to be paid, give me your report again in full.

So just come and report again to get paid?

Yes, please.
Reported results for [Ritter Roadway Monster].
Payment in mira: 5000 (+0)
Gained BP: 5 (+0)
Reported results for [Tratt Plains Monster].
Payment in mira: 6500 (+0)
Gained BP: 5 (+0)
Reported results for [Hot Spring Restoration].
Payment in mira: 10000 (+0)
Gained BP: 8 (+0)

Good work repairing the pump. Such cases are important for bracers to take on. Bracers must always keep in mind that they are the ally of the people.
It seems like Falcom anticipated that players would be scrambling desperately to rationalize scratching their heads at the decision to use limited resources on a luxury in a state of emergency. I guess it is protecting the town, in a way. Those hot springs are apparently their entire economy, after all.
You'll recall that the soldiers guarding Elmo Village were deployed out of Wolf Fort. If you head back there after restoring the baths:
-Border Patrol Isn't Easy-
CWO Pace: ...compared to Haken Gate, this is paradise! I don't think there's anything to get worked up about, personally. Here, read a book or something and relax!
Received Gambler Jack - Vol. 13.
But I don't have Volume 12! I can't read this one yet! 
That's one more region complete. All that's left for us now is Ruan.